Quality Assurance



This Quality Assurance policy outlines our belief and commitment to ensure thatongoing quality improvement is an integral part of our organisation:

– We will aim for continuous improvement in the quality of all aspects of our work as part of our determination to help learners achieve the highest possible standards

– The purpose of the Quality Assurance policy is to ensure such continuous improvement through a process of self-evaluation and action planning

– The Quality Assurance Policy and associated procedures will involve all employees and collaborative partners. The management of the process will be through the existing organisational structure. Managers will initiate procedures, collate and agree on self-assessment reports and action plans

– The quality assurance procedures will be founded in a process of regular self- evaluation, in addition to teacher and client feedback

– Wherever appropriate, the procedures will promote the identification of quality standards and performance indicators against which performance can be measured, evaluated and improved, for example OFSTED

Responsibility for Implementation

– All staff (managers, teachers) are responsible for the implementation of the Quality Assurance policy

– It is the Executive Director’s responsibility to ensure there is an annual review of the policy

– It is the responsibility of all to engage positively in that review and ensure implementation



– To encourage continuous improvement in the quality of all teaching and learning programmes, thereby making learning an enjoyable activity and through this, increasing learner retention and the achievement of individual learning aims

– To ensure rigorous, standardised and consistent assessment procedures

-To monitor and evaluate the procedure for advising, teaching and monitor the progress of learners throughout their time

– To ensure that course materials, including the intended learning outcomes, are regularly reviewed, updated and improved using feedback from students and teachers as appropriate, as well as being sourced from professional and reputable EFL publishers


– To verify that all teachers are EFL trained and ensure that they are native English speakers

– To monitor and evaluate performance and developmental needs of the teachers through regular internal observations

– To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the training and development against the students’ requirements and the School’s strategic goals


– All learners at Induction will be made aware of the quality standards

– All learner feedback will be analysed and acted upon

– All learners files will be continuously and rigorously assessed for quality


– The process of quality control requires all staff to meet on a regular basis to review their work, set standards and monitor learner perceptions and achievements.

– Quality control will be carried out against agreed criteria which will incorporate performance indicators

– The review will be supported by analysis of learners, teachers and partners views and perception, gathered via questionnaires, and review meetings

The outcome of these processes will provide information:

  • To inform the process of Career Wise English self-assessment and development planning
  • To action plan for improvement
  • To highlight issues that need consideration

Feedback on actions resulting from this quality review process will be communicated to all staff via regular team and/or individual meetings.